Games Workshop
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Age Of Sigmar is the corebook of the Soulbound series. It was a completely new concept tabletop role playing game (RPG) developed for Gamesworkshop by the creative studio of Cubicle 7 Entertainment.  Upon its release it accredieted claim from both fans and critics alike, and was the first in a series of follow up companaion books, special editions and GM screens. It was also one of the first to use a side bar column to assist the player obtain further information, whether it be about a rule or a character mention on that page.

Working closely with the producer I concievd and designed the complete layout and all graphical assets including icons, tables and chapter headers. I also was the brand gatekeeper for AoS Soulbound, and during its development  I generated templates for our international design partners in order to keep consistency across the brand. Other titles that followed AoS Soulbound were Champions of Order, Champions of Death and Shadows in the Mist to name a few.

AOS Soulbound book open spread layout
AOS Soulbound book cover opening
AOS Soulbound book table layout
AOS Soulbound book marginalia
AOS Soulbound book character stat block with character
AOS Soulbound book boxout layout section
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Let's have a chat!

Now that's some of my story told. But its only still at the beginning, I would love to hear from you whether to work together or just shoot the breeze.
If you would like to share your story and collaborate on some future design work please give me a shout!

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